About Us

Medical profession is not an easy career choice as it requires not only talent and intelligence, but also willingness to work hard and single-minded perseverance. Sadly, it is also an expensive course to study and many aspirants who have all the requisite qualities to excel in the field cannot afford the tuition fees, let alone the expensive books that one must buy every year. DocWorld is an association of doctors who are successful in their fields and want to pay it forward by aiding the aspirants of the profession.
We are accepting funds to donate for poor medical students who are talented and have keen focus to complete their medical education and contribute to the profession. You can help poor medical students with donations to cove application fees, college tuition fees, living expenses, and expenses towards buying books and stationery. A lot of the students whom we select for the scholarship programmes or whose education we fund come from remote villages having studied in vernacular medium public schools. We help these students by providing funds to buy proper formal clothes, basic medical equipment such as the stethoscope, and other things they will need for college. Medical students are expected to be dressed in formal clothes, with white lab coats and formal shoes and socks. Many of these students may not have owned a pair of shoes to wear to school. However, because of their immense talent and focus they have cracked the NEET exams and are ready to enter the threshold of a prestigious Indian medical college.
Medical education can be daunting for students from economically backward backgrounds especially when they have an English language handicap. The first lesson they will learn is that not only is the entire course in English, but all scientific terminologies are in Latin. The students will require support to cope with the linguistic barrier and move forward with their regular coursework. If they do not have the confidence that is lent by financial support, they will find themselves under stress to cope with the rigours of the programme. Medicine is not an easy course to pursue, but there are exceptionally talented doctors in India who pursued this profession despite all the handicaps of language barriers and lack of finance.
We are trying to make it easier for every student with the talent and right intent to pursue their aspirations to become doctors as nobody knows where the next best cardiologist or cancer research specialist can come from.
You can also donate in kind as we accept medical textbook donations. A new version of medical textbook comes annually and then there are a host of medical journals and publications that the students must be well-versed with and all of them are very expensive. For students who cannot afford to pay their college fees, the astronomical rates of these books will discourage them, especially since they must purchase new books every year. Many of our benefactors donate laptops for Medical Students as laptops and computers have become essential. Also, with a laptop, the student can access eBooks and ePublications that are cheaper than physical copies. It also helps students conduct necessary research for their course works and learn about opportunities for deciding their future specializations.
When you help a student, you are helping an entire generation of people as that student will use their education for good and pay it forward with their services. And a doctor pays it forward by saving lives and healing people. So, kindly help poor medical students in any way you can and help us support talented individuals who may one day serve the nation with their exemplary professional skills.