Thanks WebRowdy Digital for your Generous Donation. | Thanks Amazon-Smiles for your Generous Donation. | Thanks Venu (Through – Venmo) for your Generous Donation. | Thanks Rajiv for your Generous Donation. | Thanks Anoosha Mandadi ( for your Generous Donation. | Thanks Anonymous p ( for your Generous Donation. | Thanks Anonymous ( for your Generous Donation. | Thanks Anonymous ( for your Generous Donation. | Thanks Yashwanth Ginugu ( for your Generous Donation. | Thank you for your Anonymous Donation. ***
Raised $22,225
Goal unlimited

General Donation Fund

The collective donation fund will be used for sponsoring the fees, Books, and Exam fees of the Medical Students
Raised $100
Goal unlimited

Corporation Sponsorship

As an individual/corporation you can sponsor the complete education of a Medical Student starting from their first year till graduation.
Raised $0
Goal unlimited

Full Sponsorship for 1 Medico

DocWorld is a 501(C)(3), a non-profit corporation, and all corporation donations will be tax-deductible.