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The Lack of knowledge on Financial Aid

The Lack of knowledge on Financial Aid

In a time where the infrastructure exists to educate more people than ever before, the costs of receiving one have risen far beyond what should ever have been encouraged and act as significant barriers to those seeking one, often times against their merit. It was often possible to receive an education while relying solely on oneself to provide the fund necessary along with student loans that were often times able to be paid back without problem. Nowadays, it is not possible to fund oneself with a part time job and student loan interest rates make it dangerous to take a loan.

Education disparity makes it difficult for working class citizens to take initiative if they decide they or their children should pursue higher education. Often times this can be solved with the help of financial aid, but it is not foolproof. In fact a study by the US department of education found that only 45% of students were applying for federal aid. Many students don’t know anything about financial aid and oftentimes underestimate their qualifications whether it be need based or merit based. Especially for students who were raised in low income districts, the schooling oftentimes does not suggest the idea of financial aid, let alone higher education.

With the lack of healthcare infrastructure and providers in low socioeconomic areas, it is becoming crucial to educate students wishing to pursue medicine in order to support their endeavors to provide proper care to areas that need it most and as such it is of the utmost importance that such students receive appropriate funding.

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